Add pwa to your nuxt.js app

Add pwa to your nuxt.js app

Let's go the terminal and type:

yarn add --dev @nuxtjs/pwa


npm i --save-dev @nuxtjs/pwa

Once finished installing, go to nuxt-config.js and add the following

modules: ["@nuxtjs/pwa"],

Now you're app have pwa technology, We only need to override default values.

 // nuxt-config.js
  manifest: {
    icon: {
      // Add path to the app icon
      iconSrc: '',
    // Short name of your app
    short_name: '',
    // Name of your app
    name: 'Chocoreto',
    // Add descreption
    descreption: '',
    start_url: '/',
    theme_color: '#fff',
    background_color: '#000',

And voila !